Local time on May 17, the fourth day of the Cannes Film Festival conducted, the actress who did not weak trend contests, Eva Longoria with one Gabriela Cadena repression and silk strapless white dress pearl inlaid Swarovski crystals Overall, Shaer Ma · Hai Yake Saint Laurent is a pink chiffon dress Bra drag debut, filling pink seductive ............
Local time on May 17, Eva Longoria(Eva lace dress) wore Gabriela Cadena strapless pearl inlaid with Swarovski crystal silk white dress to attend the movie "Yves Saint Laurent" premiere. Looking back from time to time show sexy Eva charm, enthusiasm greet fans, impressive peaks, graceful curves, enough captivating, goddess-level characters, is extraordinary.
Shaer Ma · Hai Yake wearing Saint Laurent Strapless drag pink chiffon dress, holding Saint Laurent handbag black openwork prepared to attend the debut movie "Yves Saint Laurent" premiere. Elegant fluffy big wave of hair and dress coupled with the color of the lip, so Shaer Ma looks bright attractive. Small arms wearing Bausch snakes coiled shape bracelet is definitely the highlight, only this piece of jewelry can be pressure field.
Jessica Chastain wore Atelier Versace gown skirt oblique Sapphire attend the movie "his and her lonely circumstances" premiere, blue skirt + red lips + white skin, looked down from the body is so complete and unified, like cathartic. Roger Vivier heels foot, with dazzling diamond earrings, bright and attractive.
Natasha Polly dressed in Oscar de la Renta2014 spring black plaid pleated veil sexy perspective attend the movie "Yves Saint Laurent" premiere, it really is a very popular little face, high plate from the hair, revealing the three-dimensional face has caused, how a US Zile. With the same color and eye-catching sandals amethyst earrings, completed a perfect LOOK.
Eva Green wearing a red rhinestone veil drag debut film "Redemption" premiere, full-bodied red wine like a bottle of wine cellar buried until the open of the moment, an instant wine nostrils, Eva Green on the red carpet give the impression that is the case, very charm.